Blog Assignment IV: Reflective Post

I think our list should not be modified because it is very accurate of what we have studied this semester. Our list shows the divisions of power and explains why there was so much confusion and with confusion comes paranoia. It also demonstrated that the High and Late Middle Ages was a time of division, confusion, and filled with struggles of power. Throughout the semester we have discussed the divisions found among different religions, divisions between genders, divisions between classes and divisions within the Church. These divisions sometimes led to confusion or power struggles. There were power struggles also between genders, classes, religions and within the Church. These power struggles also led to confusion. For example, The Great Schism, when no one knew who has Pope, or the wars between England and France when no one knew if they were French or English. Similarly, the Investiture Conflict was a power struggle between secular kings and the Pope, who had more power and authority? This was a very difficult time to live in because it was full of instability, war, disease, and power struggles.  


I have really enjoyed this class including the blogging. More than I thought I would actually. I had never done a blog before, so I was a little unsure about doing one for class. However, doing this blog this semester was a great way for me to explore using/having a blog. I like how informal the blog is because it allows me to write what I feel, not what I should say for a good grade. It was very informative in two ways. One because of the further reading and research I did for some of my topics, but also because I got to see other student’s thoughts about various topics. They further researched and discussed topics I did not so overall, we all learned more! This procedure is better than a long research paper because it allowed us all to learn more about things we were interested in and then share those ideas with our classmates. Large papers do not allow that type of interaction throughout the semester. It seems that online blogging is becoming even more popular and transcends into all fields of study. Doing this blog was great experience!

About Valerie

I am a Student at Mississippi University for Women. This blog is a School Project.
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