Top 3 Post 2nd half of Semester

My top post of the second half of the semester is Religious Response to Plague. This blog discussed the religious response to The Black Death which I found very interesting. The plague must have caused many to struggle with their beliefs and faith since there was so much suffering and death surrounding them, despite their prayers.

My second top post is Research Primary Source. This blog was part of my research series in which i further explored extreme ascetics. Although my findings have been frustrating, I have enjoyed researching this topic. These primary sources helped to describe ascetics and demonstrated what others thought about the practice and the ascetics themselves.

My last top three post is Research Secondary Source. This blog is also part of my research series, however, this blog focused on explaining why Christian ascetics practiced such harsh forms of worship. One popular theory is the idea of Imitatio Christi or imitating Christ. As I have further researched asceticism, imitating Christ seems to be the foundation belief to this extreme practice.

I chose these three as my top posts because all three allowed me to further explore and discuss topics from class that greatly interested me.

About Valerie

I am a Student at Mississippi University for Women. This blog is a School Project.
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