My top three post for the second half of the semester.

The first would be my video on £.s.d. which is about the money system of Britain and Ireland. This money system lasted from the Roman times until 1971. Money is a part of everyone’s life and to understand what people could buy with the money they had is to understand how people lived.

The second post is on Jeanne D’ Arc. You can not talk about the medieval period without mentioning The maid of France, Jeanne D’ Arc. She has been gone for almost 700 years but to this day she is still the hero of many young women who look to her as inspiration to do great things.

The last post would be the research on the eating habits of people in 14th century England. If anyone is to truly understand a culture they need to understand that culture’s eating habits. Some people do not eat because they want to but because they have to they some times people have no choice of what they eat.    


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