Reflective post

            The two words that can be used to sum up the medieval period are power and paranoia. Power can be used in the sense that there was always someone or some organization trying to gain or retain power. The church held power over all of Europe in the early part of the medieval period until some strong Kings in France and England starting taking that power away. In the later period it was England and France trying to control each other. It was usually England trying to keep control of France.

            The other way to sum up the medieval period is paranoia. Since science was all but banned by the church, people had to rely on the fact that God might protect them or if anything bad happened it was a curse from God. The plague is a good example of the paranoia that happened during these times. In their minds the plague happened because the alignments of the planets or the Jews were poisoning the wells. This way of thinking would not end until science was allowed.

            I have enjoyed this course. I had never written a blog before so this has been a learning experience. I am glad that we did this instead of a 10 to 15 page paper on a single subject. By doing the blog we were able to research things that we were interested in and write about those subjects instead of writing a paper on a single subject. Reading several papers on the same subject would get very boring. The other thing about doing the blog is that we were allowed to follow our interests and write about several different topics that each one of us was interested in like how the women were treated or what people ate. These are subjects that could never be found in just one book.    

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