Reflective Post

I believe the High and Late Middle Ages to revolve around power and divisions. As far as power goes, every part of the Middle Ages wanted to have power or wanted to be in control of something or someone one. I learned very quickly that power made up a big portion of the High and Late Middle Ages. It destroyed and divided kingdoms and unfortunately popes and the Church. People that claimed that God appointed them to the their positions lost sight of what they were meant to do and be for the people. With power, the nobles were allowed to do control every aspect of the kingdom, which would eventually lead to the conflict and controversy between the secular and sacred. Also with power, these kings and emperors wanted to expand their kingdoms so conflicts also grew with other noble rulers in other countries. As they obtained power, they wanted to gain more and more. The people of the kingdom are forced to choose which ruler or leader would they side with. Soon there was the side that enforced the right thing and actually followed the law of the land. Then there were others who cheated the law and Church to succeed. Majority of times, those who cheated normally won but not without consequences of losing some parts of them.

The blogging experience in the class has been interesting, but fun. I think this class forced me to express my opinion much more than I used to do. I’ve blogged before and I blog on the regular. But this class blog was a little challenging for me because I went in knowing little to nothing about the course. And I feared that if I voiced my opinion to much, I would fail this blog. But I gradually learned and understood that’s exactly what the instructor wanted because it expressed that we actually understood the material we blogged about. Overall, it was great experience.

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