Tag Archives: Investiture Conflict

The Research Series: The Primary Source

The clash that happened between Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV is one of the reasons that the Investiture Conflict interest me. The question of whether the Power or Holy had more control when it came to land and … Continue reading

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The Research Series: Research Question

     Coming into this class, I can proudly say that I did not know much also Medieval history of any kind. Although I am a history major, my main focus is that of American history. Which one can easily … Continue reading

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What was the problem with investiture?

This “investiture” was a new concept for me to understand while studying the eleventh century in Europe. This idea was the simple act of a bestowing power. A king, or anyone from an elite class, would grant a piece of … Continue reading

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Because I Said So….

In 910, Duke William of Aquitaine handed over to the Church his possessions including the town of Cluny[1]. Along with the land, he also donated “the chapels, the serfs of both sexes, the vines, the fields, the meadows, the woods, … Continue reading

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